Substance Use Disorders

You or a loved one are ready to rebuild. Ready to move on from the uncertainty and pain that can be created by substance use disorders. Know that it is possible to live a life of recovery. Our experienced multi-disciplinary substance use disorder teams are here for you. We join individuals at every step to support their pursuit of recovery and well-being.
Addiction Treatment
Alcoholism and substance abuse are treatable illnesses. Our programs have helped countless individuals change their lives and the lives of those they love. To ensure we are providing comprehensive care, we offer different recovery options depending on your location and where you are in recovery journey. A person could just be in one, or all of the services at the same time. Depending on the location, treatment options may include:
- Evaluation and assessment - we provide substance abuse evaluation, OWI screenings and assessment services regardless of where a person may be in the change process. Maybe someone told you to get treatment, maybe you are debating if you have a problem with substances, or maybe you are in the thick of a relapse and you aren't ready to quit yet! These situations can be learning opportunities that can strengthen recovery when provided a non-judgmental and therapeutic space for exploration.
- Treatment - treatment may include outpatient care, intensive outpatient care (IOC) or inpatient care in a hospital or residential setting. People may move from one level of care to another, based on their clinical need.
- Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) - Intensive outpatient programs are session-based group programs that provide education, therapy and support to help individuals through the recovery process. Each day consists of evidence-based education and interventions for both addiction and mental health, including but not limited to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the Disease Model of Addiction, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness.
- Outpatient Services - Outpatient services may include medication for addiction treatment may include the following, depending on the location:
- Medications: Our doctors are specialized in addictions and psychiatry to support mental health and recovery. Especially in early recovery, many people benefit from Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) such as naltrexone (Vivitrol) and buprenorphine (Suboxone and Sublocade).
- Individual Therapy: Our team of individual therapists are master's level prepared and licensed mental health therapists, with specialization in addictions. They will work with you to develop goals and strategies to address the issues that are most important to you. Each therapist has their own framework and specialized training focused on alcohol or substance-related issues, and we hope to find someone that is the best match for you.
- Couples Therapy: Couples sessions help the couple adjust to all the changes that come with recovery.
- Group Therapy: Participating in group therapy provides a unique opportunity to cope with interpersonal stressors and develop new communication skills. Many people find the connections and stories shared in group to be invaluable their recovery.
- Continuing care - we provide continuing care to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. This can include counselor-led group sessions, peer support groups, individual therapy or medications for addiction treatment (MAT).
Find Hope
One step, one day at a time, we help those who suffer from addiction by facilitating change so they can reclaim their lives. Our experienced medical professionals are ready to help you recover and learn the skills to maintain a sober lifestyle.