Patients and Visitors
Welcome to UnityPoint Health – Trinity Regional Medical Center.
In this section, you will find information about visiting hours, directions to inpatient units and how to access the internet. In addition there is information on Trinity Café, Java City, and our gift shop, Trinity Gifts. The gift shop has a wide selection of home décor, jewelry, and candy, as well as gifts to send to our patients, such as greeting cards, balloons, flowers, and baby items.
Helpful Information
Inpatient Units
Please enter through the emergency room after 7 p.m. and on weekends.
3N and CCU
- 3N is accessible by using Elevator C. Visiting hours are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Birth Center and Pediatrics
- Visiting hours are 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. but we do not restrict visiting for parents.
- The birth center and pediatric unit are secured areas. The birth center is accessible by using Elevator A, located near the Main Entrance. The pediatric unit is accessible by using Elevator B, located near Trinity Café. Once you are on the floor, you are required to have a staff member help you enter and exit the units. Push the intercom bottom to alert staff and gain entrance.
Personal mail is delivered to patient rooms every day. Patient mail should be addressed in the following
- Patient Name
Trinity Regional Medical Center
Patient Room Number
802 Kenyon Road
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Wireless Internet Access
Trinity has wireless service for visitors and patients to use. To access the network, find the wireless service called "IHS Guest WiFi," and open a browser. If you have trouble with access, call the support line at 800-681-2060.
Trinity's Gift Shop
Trinity Gifts has a nice selection of gifts, home décor, cards, baby items and necessities. Our flowers are made fresh in-house and delivered free on campus. Trinity Gifts is located next to Trinity Café, on the first floor past the main lobby. Call us at (515) 574-6657 to order by phone.
Gift Shop hours:
- Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Sunday: Closed
Food and Drinks
Trinity Café
The Trinity Café offers visitors delicious foods and drinks. Trinity Café is located on the first floor.
Open Daily:
- Breakfast: 6:15 to 9:30 a.m.
- Lunch: 10:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Dinner: 4:45 to 6:30 p.m
Java City
Java City always has a fresh pot of coffee brewing as well as specialty drinks and snacks. Java City is located near the Main Entrance.
- Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Vending machines
Vending machines with food and soft drinks are located near the Trinity Café and next to the emergency room.
Recognizing Outstanding Care