UnityPoint Health - Trinity Weight Management Specialist - Moline

309-779-4400 (Main Phone)

Current Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM


Number of patients waiting reflects the current number of patients waiting to be seen. This number changes frequently and is not exact.

Hours and Directions

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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Trinity Weight Management Specialists

It's important to choose the right place and the right team for your weight loss surgery. Trinity Weight Management Specialists have been providing surgical weight loss solutions for more than 30 years. Our board-certified surgeons offer minimally-invasive and traditional surgical approaches to weight loss, with follow-up support to help you meet your goals.

Surgical (Bariatric) Weight Loss

Get Started

Complete the free, online Surgical Weight Loss Seminar, then fill out the Bariatric Program Application. Our team will review to determine if you are a good candidate for surgery and contact you with next steps.


Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation

MBSAQIP Metabolic and Bariatric Accreditation Logo

As an American College of Surgeons (ACS) Surgical Quality Partner, our participation in ACS Quality Programs means we’re committed to the highest standards of surgical care. When you see the ACS Surgical Quality Partner mark in our hospital, it signifies our proven record for adhering to the most rigorous standards in surgical quality —minimizing complications, improving outcomes and saving lives.

We’re proud to partner with the ACS and participate in the following program:
Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP)

MBSAQIP is a national quality program that ensures safe and effective metabolic and bariatric surgery. Accredited centers, focused on weight loss and treating obesity-related diseases like diabetes and sleep apnea, demonstrate lower complication rates and improved outcomes compared to non-accredited facilities.

Surgical Weight Loss

Are You a Candidate for Bariatric Surgery?

To be considered as a candidate for surgery, most insurance providers require that certain criteria be met. The following is a list of qualifications which may apply to you:

  • BMI greater than 40.
  • BMI of 35 to 39.9 with one or more obesity-related diseases or problems, also known as co-morbid conditions.
  • Documented efforts at weight-loss through a medically safe, well-balanced diet.
  • Absence of other medical conditions that would make surgery unsafe.
  • A willingness to lose weight and make changes in your eating habits and physical activity.
  • Must be willing to stop frequent eating and drinking of high-calorie foods and beverages.
  • You must be evaluated by a psychologist trained in bariatric psychology.
  • You must be willing to increase physical activity and exercise as weight loss occurs.
  • A commitment to yourself and your surgeon to keep regularly scheduled appointments.
What can you expect?
The first step toward bariatric surgery is to complete our online seminar. If the patient meets the preliminary qualifications and is willing to proceed, an appointment is made to come into the office to begin the process. At this appointment, the surgeon and staff at the office will review your medical history and explain your weight loss options, including any guidelines set forth by your insurance company.

After all initial steps have been completed and surgery has been approved, Trinity Weight Management Specialists will coordinate the patient. Pre-surgical testing may include examination of the upper GI, a chest x-ray, EKG and lab work. 
Bariatric Surgery as an Established Option
We're able to choose from procedure options based on the patients need. Selecting the right option depends on the patient's condition, dietary habits and willingness to change eating behavior. This decision will be made together with the bariatric surgeon of your choice.

The decision to consider weight loss surgery is an important one. It's a lifetime contract with your surgeon, bariatric team, family and yourself. It is an important decision and we appreciate your interest in our program.

Our bariatric surgical team includes nutrition specialists, mental health professionals, physical/occupational therapists, nurses, nurse practitioner, insurance specialist, program administrator, surgeons and caring team members - all with many years' experience treating bariatric patients. We feel that expert care is only possible through this comprehensive team approach, and we are committed to providing bariatric surgery in the safest manner possible.

A very important aspect of our program is patient education prior to surgery. Each patient will receive an individual evaluation to ensure that surgery is tailored to the patient's individual needs and goals. All patients in our program will receive dietary and exercise counseling specific to the issues associated with the change in their lifestyle after surgery. Patients will meet regularly with our dietitian or nutrition expert for help adjusting to their new lifestyle of healthy eating. Individual guidance about appropriate levels of exercise and intensity will be provided by physical/occupational therapy.
Surgical Weight Loss is a Journey

It is the beginning of a lifelong commitment to health. Dedication to proper diet, exercise and mental health is crucial to obtaining the best results. The surgery is a tool that improves the patient's ability to lose weight while following the recommended diet and exercise program as prescribed by the Bariatric Center multidisciplinary team. The Bariatric Surgical Program at UnityPoint Clinic® Surgery is a comprehensive program offering several important advantages for patients, including:

  • A dedicated team of specialists who have many years' experience in caring for bariatric patients.
  • Nutrition counseling to discuss the nutritional changes necessary for bariatric surgery.
  • Exercise consultation will provide individual guidance about appropriate levels of exercise and intensity.
  • Facilitation of quality care through immediate access to all areas of specialized physicians within UnityPoint Health - Trinity.
  • Accessible, lifelong follow-up care.
  • Follow-through with primary care physicians before and after surgery.
Get Started

Contact your insurance to confirm weight loss surgery is a covered benefit under your policy. The number for customer service is on the back of your insurance card. We will need a copy of your insurance card both front and back. We will also call your insurance to find out the criteria for you to meet in order to be a candidate for surgery.

  • Complete Online Seminar - Complete the free Surgical Weight Loss Seminar Online to obtain more information on our program.
  • Apply Online - If you decide to join our program after watching the seminar, you will be asked to fill out the Bariatric Program Application and submit it to our office by email to UPC_BariatricProgram@unitypoint.org or mail or drop off a copy to UnityPoint Health - Trinity Weight Management Specialist - Moline, 600 John Deere Rd, Ste. 301, Moline, IL 61265. Once the application is received, our Bariatric Multi-Disciplinary Team will review and determine if you are a good candidate for surgery. Once the decision is made, a team member will contact you with next steps. At the appointment, you will review your weight loss options with the bariatric surgeon and determine the next most appropriate step for your weight loss journey. If the choice is to pursue bariatric surgery, we will collect the one-time $200 program fee. This fee covers printed materials and dietitian appointments.
  • Meet With a Dietitian - You will also need to participate in a visit with our registered dietitian to go over diet choices and food labels. The Weight Management Specialists team is dedicated to helping you learn more about healthy eating habits and reading labels. Our team will work with you to schedule this at your initial appointment.
  • Complete Evaluations - Most insurance companies require certain evaluations to ensure your success after bariatric surgery. This can include cardiovascular, pulmonology, and psychiatric evaluation. These appointments will be scheduled by the bariatric nurse during your first visit.
  • Maintain Your Weight - Depending upon your insurance requirement, we may provide a form for a provider to fill out each month for six months up until the time of surgery to monitor your weight loss progress. Documentation will need to include specific diet and exercise plans. Trinity Weight Management Specialists require you to be weight stable and not increase your weight during this six month period.
  • Obtain Letter of Medical Necessity - You may also be required by your insurance company to obtain a Letter of Medical Necessity from your family practice doctor stating support of your decision to have surgery and health related problems from morbid obesity. If you currently do not have a primary care physician, our office will be happy to refer you to one.
  • Get Insurance Approval - Once all information is collected and approval from the Weight Management Specialists team is given we will submit your information to you insurance company for approval. The approval process may take two to six weeks.
  • Complete Preoperative Care - If surgery is approved your surgery will be scheduled. Two weeks prior to surgery you will come in for pre-surgical testing: labs and x-rays, nutritional instruction with a registered dietitian, and preoperative education. 
  • Complete Postoperative Care - Trinity encourages surgical weight loss patients to work with a physical therapist on an exercise program specific for the patient's needs. Trinity's Weight Management Specialists surgical weight loss encourages you to meet for counseling with a psychologist one month and two months post-operative for support on your weight loss journey.

Congratulations! This is just a beginning of a new life for you!

Bariatric Surgery Seminar

In order to take your first step in your weight management journey, you have to understand the options you have. A very important aspect of our program is patient education prior to surgery. This video will walk you through some of the most important things to know about bariatric surgery. Making sure you're informed will help pave a path forward to your weight management.

The recorded seminar topics include:
- Surgical Options
- Program Specifics
- Insurance
- Cost of Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I start to lose weight?
You will start losing weight immediately after surgery. You may not notice any loss until the second week. The weight loss after each surgery occurs at a different rate. Each patient also will have a different weight loss rate dependent upon their adherence to the program and level of physical activity. A minimum rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week is minimally expected.
Can I regain weight?
With any weight loss surgery, weight loss typically continues for two years and then plateaus. It is very important that you follow the instructions given to you by the dietitian on how and what to eat. Failure to follow the recommended diet and exercise program will result in weight gain with any weight loss surgery.
Can I get too thin?
It is unusual for a person to become too thin after weight loss surgery surgery. These procedures allow you to ingest and absorb a sufficient amount of nourishment so you do not become too thin.
What are the risks of surgery?
Morbidly obese patients are at a higher risk when having any surgery due to their excess weight. Often the patient may feel normal prior to surgery, but may have underlying medical problems that they simply did not recognize. Long term poor nutrition that has led to morbid obesity often leads to poor heart and lung health.

Long-term complications include hair loss, dumping syndrome, diarrhea, vomiting, ulcers, bile gastritis, hernias, foreign body reaction, infection and virtually any other post-operative problem. Fortunately, these reactions are not common.

Some patients develop severe difficulties in coping with their weight loss. These difficulties may include depression, separation from spouse, divorce and even suicide gestures or actual suicide. Generally the person who is well-adjusted and is helped through the procedure with a strong support system has a better outlook for a good recovery. On the other hand, a person with mental health difficulties pre-operatively may continue to have them post-operatively and they may even worsen.

Our team is committed to making your surgery as safe as possible. Advancements in the care of surgical weight loss patients over the past 20 years have allowed us to perform these surgeries with very low complication rates. Your personal risks will be individually evaluated at your consultation with your surgeon. It is important to remember that the risks of staying morbidly obese far outweigh the risks of surgery.

What happens to the rest of my stomach after weight loss surgery?
In the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the rest of the stomach is sectioned off from the new pouch but left intact. It still has a blood supply and drains any small amount of fluid through the small intestine, or duodenum. Because it is not used, it shrinks in size and stays dormant.

In the sleeve gastrectomy, approximately 75% of the stomach is permanently removed leaving a smaller banana shaped stomach that holds approximately ½ cup of food per meal.
What do I do if I want to get pregnant?
We suggest that you wait for at least 18 months after surgery to have a child. Even after that, you must make sure that your obstetrician is aware of your weight loss surgery and that you and your baby should be followed closely.

What will happen to the excess skin after I lose weight?
After much weight loss, you may find yourself with excess skin. Some people find the excess skin a nuisance or unappealing. Weight loss after surgery continues for about 18 to 24 months. After that, your body is ready for additional surgery for excess skin removal. This is typically performed by a plastic surgeon, who will evaluate you and decide with you what areas may need work. This cosmetic surgery may not be covered by insurance. Documentation of health problems related to the excess skin may be required. These may include rashes, back pain, or difficulty maintaining reasonable hygiene.

When will I be able to return to work and exercise?
You will have a 10 to 20 pound weight restriction for 2 weeks following surgery. We encourage you to exercise as soon as you feel ready, and this can be as early as one week. Some people have returned to work on the fourth day after surgery. However, most patients find that they need one or two weeks before going back to work. You may feel tired during the first week, but you will feel more energetic as you lose weight.

Does insurance cover weight-loss surgery?
You will need to call the number on your insurance card and ask if you have obesity surgery coverage. Trinity Weight Management Specialists will contact your insurance for verification of benefits for the surgery only.
What if I do not qualify for surgery, or decide it is not right for me?
We have several non-surgical weight loss options available.
What are program requirements?
  1. Educational Seminar
  2. Initial consultation with Surgeon
  3. Group Nutrition Class
  4. Cardiac clearance (as needed)
  5. Pulmonary clearance (as needed)
  6. Support Group Meetings (3 required)
  7. Pre-Op Dietary Counseling
  8. Insurance approval and surgery scheduled
  9. Pre-op testing
  10. Office visit prior to surgery with Surgeon (within 30 days of surgery date)
  11. Surgery
  12. Surgical follow-up visits (7-10 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12, months, then annually)
  13. Post-op Dietary Counseling visits
  14. Vitamin Levels & Labs at follow-up visits
  15. Monthly support group

Success Stories


100 Pounds Lost, A New Perspective on Life Gained

Julie Schurbon.png

Julie Schurbon knew it was time to make an important change. After years of struggling to lose weight, Schurbon shared her health concerns with her primary care physician who recommended bariatric surgery through UnityPoint Health® - Trinity’s Weight Management Center.

“I weighed more than 270 pounds. Now I’m down to 175,” says Schurbon. “I feel really good. I have so much more energy and stamina.”

Before her surgery, Schurbon says Dr. James Schrier and her care team walked her step-by-step through the process and encouraged her to attend support group meetings. Schurbon says the personal attention she’s received at UnityPoint Health has been second to none, and she’s feeling better than she has in years.

“I love that I can travel anywhere and I get to walk and explore,” Schurbon says. “I know I can reach out to the weight management team any time for support. They continue to always be there for me.”


Jake Doty Weight Loss Story

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"I would highly recommend Trinity to anyone. The staff is extremely welcoming, professional and sincere, and help to motivate you through every part of the process.

The pre-surgery training they put me through is something I didn't truly appreciate until after surgery. But for me, it made my experience a lot easier. I just can't thank enough all of Trinity's staff and their affiliates for this life-changing experience.

My surgery and path that I have chosen are something that I haven't and will not regret."

Edythe Rousselow

Edythe Rousselow.png

"For me, there is no better place to go for bariatric surgery than here at Trinity!

Anyone who may be considering any type of bariatric surgery should know that this team really supports you, the surgeons know exactly what they are doing and their professionalism and knowledge is top-notch. I made this decision after many months of struggling and having nowhere to turn. I would not even weigh at my doctor appointments.

I saw an ad in the paper for the seminar and came to Trinity. I am so glad I did! For me, this was and is a permanent solution to my chronic weight problem. I just wish I could have done this years ago, but I did not qualify for the surgery.

When I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and quit breathing for close to a minute, on top of my weight issues, I chose this path to go down and I am forever thankful I did!"


Non-Surgical Weight Loss

An Option, When Surgery Isn't

At Trinity Weight Management Specialists, we understand that weight loss is challenging and difficult. That's why we offer a non-surgical weight loss program to the Quad Cities area with the primary goal to educate and coach you, so you may live a healthier lifestyle. You will work closely with our center dietitian to learn new lifelong habits. Exercise will play an important role in your progress and will be added to your lifestyle changes in order to sustain your weight loss. Whether you want to lose 30 pounds or 100 pounds, our weight loss program is here to help you learn the necessary lifestyle changes to be successful.

As with any weight loss program, we want you to discuss your plans with your primary physician, who will be included in your care at all times.

1:1 Dietitian Support 

You will receive individual dietary counseling sessions with all of our programs, however if surgery, a set program, or class does not meet your needs 1:1 dietary counseling is also available.

Trinity's Expert Team

Leon Siegel

Leon Siegel, MD

Minimally Invasive General Surgery, General Surgery, Bariatric Surgery

Melinda M Hass

Melinda Hass, MD, FACS

Minimally Invasive General Surgery, General Surgery, Breast Surgery, Bariatric Surgery