Second Time Mom Gets Wish of Vaginal Birth After C-Section

After a somewhat chaotic birth experience with her firstborn child, Libby had a very different experience with her second delivery.
“As a first-time mom, I was induced. My son was breach, so I had an emergency c-section to get him out as quickly and safely as possible,” Libby said.
Although relieved and happy to deliver a healthy baby boy (John), Libby was disappointed she didn’t deliver him vaginally. However, at her 6-week postpartum appointment, she learned that because of her transverse incision, two layer closer of uterus, and no previous infection, she was a good candidate for a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), if she decided to have more children.
Fast forward a couple years, Libby was pregnant and ready to try for a VBAC.
“Dr. Olson calmed my nerves and reassured me throughout my entire pregnancy that, baring any complications, she thought a VBAC was still a great and safe option for me,” Libby stated.
As Libby’s due date approached, she scheduled a c-section in fear that her baby girl wasn’t going to come on her own. Little did she know, things would soon progress just as they’d planned.
“I was scheduled for a c-section on Friday, November 4, but woke up early in the morning on November 1 and was really uncomfortable. Finally, I realized I was having contractions, so my husband (Adam) and I dropped off our son at daycare and went to Trinity,” Libby said.
After a couple hours of being monitored, it was determined Libby was safe to go home. She was instructed to come back if her contractions intensified or became more frequent. Feeling discouraged and still uncomfortable, Libby went home to rest, and Adam headed into work.
“At 2 p.m., my contractions were stronger and faster. I called Adam and told him we needed to go back,” she shared.
Libby was greeted by the same nurse from the morning who confirmed she was in active labor and ready to be admitted.
“I got settled into my room and asked for an epidural as soon as I was able to get it. I, admittedly, am a wimp and don’t do well with pain,” Libby laughed.
Libby was able to get an epidural around 5 p.m. It slowed down her contractions, but she continued to progress with some medication. Finally, at 9 p.m. she was ready to push.
“I remember Dr. Olson coming in to check on me and telling us it was time,” Libby stated.
At 9:55 p.m. Libby and Adam welcomed their sweet baby girl, Lena, into the world.
“It’s hard to put into words, but it was really an incredible experience. I was discouraged after my c-section, because I wanted to experience a vaginal birth, so it made it extra special,” said Libby.
“I was pushing one second, and the next thing I know, they plopped her right on top of me, and I was holding her. It just blew my mind.”
Libby would also soon experience a vastly different recovery.
“It was crazy. With John, I couldn’t move a lot, and it took months to feel like I was back to normal. With Lena, the first week was a little rough, but I felt back to normal after two weeks,” Libby explained. “It was so quick, and I was thankful I could pick up my two-year-old son and not worry about any restrictions, like you have with have a c-section.”
Libby shares words of encouragement, “If you’ve had a c-section and are interested in a VBAC, talk with your OB/GYN. Don’t look online. Your doctor will know if it’s a safe option for you.”
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