In-Person Event

31st Annual Iowa Emergency Nurses Association Conference

31st Annual Iowa Emergency Nurses Association ConferenceFriday, May 9, 2025LocationIowa Methodist Medical CenterEducation & Research Center (ERC)V…

31st Annual Iowa Emergency Nurses Association Conference

Friday, May 9, 2025


Iowa Methodist Medical Center

Education & Research Center (ERC)

Virginia Thompson Auditorium

1415 Woodland Avenue

Des Moines, IA 50309

*If you are using GPS, make sure you chose Des Moines and not West Des Moines

*The ERC is located on Level 1 of the Iowa Methodist Medical Center parking garage on the west side of the campus

*Park in parking garage and take southeast elevators to Level 1

*Traffic can be very busy in the mornings in this area, so we suggest leaving early/giving yourself plenty of time to reach the conference venue.

*Conference center is large and temperature control can be difficult. We recommend dressing in layers or bringing a sweater/jacket for your comfort.

Intended Audience

Nurses and other interested healthcare professionals who practice/participate in emergency medicine.


To enable the learner to apply evidence-based information and the tools learned to provide a positive outcome for all emergency medicine providers and their patients.


Deadline to register is Monday, May 5, 2025. 

*Registration is online only

*American Express cards not accepted

*No refunds will be given

Agenda TBD

Continuing Education

IBON Provider #31, UnityPoint Health – Des Moines, awards: Hours TBD

University of Iowa EMS Program, awards: Hours TBD

CEHs earned will be applicable for renewal of an EMS provider certification/license in Iowa.

Simulation in Motion

Brought to you by the University of Iowa College of Nursing, Simulation in Motion – Iowa (SIM-IA) is a mobile education program designed to bring state-of the art clinical education to pre-hospital (EMS) and hospital professionals throughout the state using high-fidelity human patient simulators and trainers. These simulators allow healthcare professionals to perform hands-on education and skill performance for illnesses and traumas they encounter frequently, as well as those that occur less commonly but are high stakes. By using mobile simulation labs (i.e., trucks) we are able to deliver high-quality, evidence-based education to providers who might not have opportunities to attend simulation training due to cost, distance, or coverage.

Click here to make your reservation!

Iowa ENA Foundation Social Event 5/8/25 at 6:00 pm

For $20 you will join us for a night of fun and festivities at the Big Grove Brewery in Downtown, Des Moines! You will have a ride to and from the hotel, appetizers, dinner, dessert, a drink ticket and a night filled with fun, games and GREAT PRIZES!! The best part is that your $20 will be a donation to the ENA Foundation! Come and join us!!

Hotel Accommodations

We have reserved a block of rooms at:

Des Moines Marriott Downtown

700 Grand Ave

Des Moines, IA 50309

P 515-245-5500

Click here to book!

Deadline to book at group rate is April 8


Your registration gives us consent to take photos at the conference. Photos may be used on our website or at future conferences.


Please contact Joni Thornton at or 515-241-3260 with any questions or concerns.