In-Person Event

Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course

Purpose & Intended AudienceEmergency care of the pediatric patient requires a special knowledge and skills. Accurate assessment of a child with ac…

Purpose & Intended Audience

Emergency care of the pediatric patient requires a special knowledge and skills. Accurate assessment of a child with acute illness or injury requires special knowledge and skills. This course is taught by qualified nurses, is designed to provide the core-level knowledge and skills needed to properly assess and implement evidence-based interventions to improve outcomes for this high-risk population. Participants must be a registered nurse who possesses a current nursing license. Licensed practical nurses and paramedics are eligible to attend the course and receive CNE hours, however, are not eligible for provider status verification.


Course Objectives

At the completion of this program, the participant should be able to:

  1. Describe the characteristics of life-threatening illness and injury in pediatric patients.
  2. Identify the various roles of the emergency nurse when caring for pediatric patients.
  3. Describe a focused triage assessment and history for the pediatric patient.
  4. Identify the anatomic and physiologic characteristics that may affect responses to illness and injury in pediatric patients.
  5. Identify the most frequent causes of illness or injury in pediatric patients.
  6. Describe the components of focused assessment for pediatric patients with illness or injury.
  7. Plan the specific interventions needed to manage the pediatric patient with illness or injury.
  8. Evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions related to patient outcomes.
  9. Identify safety, injury prevention, and health promotion strategies related to the pediatric patient.
  10. Identify misconceptions regarding the assessment and treatment of pain in pediatric patients in the emergency department.

Continuing Education Credits

ENPC is a two-day course. This program has been approved for 18.25 Contact Hours from the Emergency Nurses Association. The Emergency Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the ANCC. No partial credit will be given. 

Course Format:

A variety of learning methodologies are included to cater to every learning style:

  • ENPC Manual
  • Online Modules
  • Simulation
  • Instructor-led classroom discussions and skills stations

**You will not be admitted to the course if Online Modules are not completed**


The Emergency Nurses Association will issue a four-year provider verification card to those registered nurses who achieve 80% or higher on the multiple-choice exam and 70% or higher on the skill station evaluation.


This course is endorsed by the Emergency Nurses Association with faculty comprised of ENPC instructors from Blank Children's Hospital.


Course Schedule

Day 1: Class meets from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Day 2: Class meets from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.  



Blank Children's Hospital Campus

Education and Research Center (ERC), Classroom 4

1200 Pleasant Street 

Des Moines, IA 50309


More Information

Please contact Terry Neal at or at 515-241-4351.