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Once you have your first mammogram, or if you’ve already had one, knowing whether you have dense breast tissue is important for understanding your breast cancer risk. The denser your breast tissue is, the trickier it can be for doctors to spot small problem areas in your breasts.

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How Dense Breast Tissue Can Increase Your Breast Cancer Risk

Once you have your first mammogram, or if you’ve already had one, knowing whether you have dense breast tissue is important for understanding your breast cancer risk. The denser your breast tissue is, the trickier it can be for doctors to spot small problem areas in your breasts.

Health and Wellness Breast Imaging Cancer Treatment Mammography Women's Health

When 38-year-old Sara Kingland noticed a painless, rigid area that felt like a "hard spider web" in her left breast, she knew it was time to see her doctor. 

article Patient Story

38-Year-Old Patient's Breast Self Exam Leads to Life-Saving Care

When 38-year-old Sara Kingland noticed a painless, rigid area that felt like a "hard spider web" in her left breast, she knew it was time to see her doctor. 

Patient Stories Women's Health Medical Oncology Breast Imaging Body Imaging
Medical Oncology Women's Health Women's Health Preventive Medicine

From abnormal vaginal bleeding to lower back pain, understand the signs of cervical cancer and learn why knowing them, along with regular screenings, can save your life.

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Don't Ignore These Cervical Cancer Warning Signs

From abnormal vaginal bleeding to lower back pain, understand the signs of cervical cancer and learn why knowing them, along with regular screenings, can save your life.

Medical Oncology Women's Health Women's Health Preventive Medicine

Severe period cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea, affect millions of women worldwide. While some discomfort during menstruation is expected, intense pain that disrupts your daily life isn't normal. Learn what causes severe period cramps and ways to find relief.

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7 Reasons Your Period Cramps are Truly Terrible

Severe period cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea, affect millions of women worldwide. While some discomfort during menstruation is expected, intense pain that disrupts your daily life isn't normal. Learn what causes severe period cramps and ways to find relief.

Women's Health Women's Health