Allen Child Protection Center
Number of patients waiting reflects the current number of patients waiting to be seen. This number changes frequently and is not exact.
Hours and Directions
Hours of Operation
- Monday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Thursday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Child Protection Center
The Allen Child Protection Center (ACPC) provides assistance for children or dependent adults who may be victims of abuse, or have witnessed a violent crime. The ACPC uses a multi-disciplinary team approach and works closely with the Iowa Health & Human Services (HHS) and law enforcement. The center provides forensic interviews, medical evaluations, family advocacy services, mental health counseling, and evaluations/assessments for children who have been exposed prenatally or environmentally to dangerous substances.
Additionally, we provide children entering foster care with a backpack full of essential and comfort items, and all patients at the Child Protection Center are given a gift at their appointment to take with them to recognize their courage and remind them how much they matter.
Our services are always free to the patients and families we serve.
Referrals to the ACPC are made through HHS and law enforcement. Medical providers may also make referrals for consultations unrelated to suspicions of abuse. The center's staff are happy to answer questions and provide more information to individuals or community groups. Please contact the ACPC for more information. If you have a suspicion of child abuse, contact HHS.
Family Resiliency Program
The Family Resiliency Program is dedicated to protecting Iowa’s children through transdisciplinary collaboration of services. This clinic provides services for infants and children (0 to 5 years) who have been exposed to drugs prenatally or environmentally through a parent/caregiver’s substance use or manufacturing. It is our goal to help each child and family heal and reach their maximum potential. We emphasize early identification and intervention for children exposed to substances so they can live a healthier life.
Funding for this initiative has been provided through a cooperative agreement with The Children’s Bureau Regional Partnership Grants 5 (90CU0097-01-00).
- Age appropriate assessments and screenings
- Education about the possible physical and developmental impacts on your child
- Strategies and skills to help your child develop to their maximum potential
- Referrals for you and your child in various areas of need
- Treatment plan developed by a transdisciplinary team
- Follow-up services with the Family Navigator and/or community-based service providers
- Advocacy Center 101 & Facts Interviewing Training video
Referrals to the Family Resiliency Program can be made by a variety of sources:
- Medical providers, including primary care physicians
- Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (IHHS) caseworker
- Family Treatment Court
- Parents (biological, foster or adoptive)
- Other caregivers
Please complete this referral form as thoroughly as possible. Once received, one of our family navigators will reach out to you in one to two business days to schedule the initial evaluation.
If you have any immediate needs, concerns or questions prior to making the referral, please call the Allen Child Protection Center at (319) 226-2345.
The Parents’ Toolkit is a free online resource available for parents – biological, adoptive, foster, in whatever shape or form their family exists – who are raising children affected by prenatal exposure to substances of abuse and for professionals who provide services to pregnant and parenting women and their children. The common thread for all of the families is that they are dealing with the consequences of alcohol or drug use during pregnancy.
Do you have specific age requirements?
Currently we are accepting referrals for infants and children 0-5 years of age and are expecting to expand over time.
What type of information do I need to make a referral?
Demographic information of children and parents/caretakers.
What do you expect from parents/caretakers?
• Active participation and honest communication
• Willingness to ask questions and provide information
How long are these appointments?
This will depend on the age and number of children. We will give each family our full, thorough attention and appointment times will last accordingly.
Who pays for this program?
We will obtain your private insurance information and submit for billing purposes. If you have specific financial questions or concerns, we are happy to speak with you directly and offer options.
How do you communicate the findings to the Primary Care Provider (PCP)?
A release must be signed by a legal guardian and information will be shared securely through an electronic medical record or fax.
We will be happy to address any further questions or concerns. Feel free to contact us at (319) 226-2345 and ask for the Family Navigator.
- I Can Be Safe: A First Look at Safety (Pat Thomas, 2003)
- Your Body Belongs to You (Cornelia Maude Spelman, 1997)
- No Trespassing – This is MY Body (Pattie Fitzerald, 2011)
- Do You Have a Secret (Jennifer Moore-Mallinos, 2005)
- A Terrible Thing Happened (Margaret M. Holmes, 2000)
- No Hit Zone – Developmental Discipline Handout
- Understanding Sexual Development & Behaviors in Children Handout
- The Sex-Wise Parent (Janet Rosenzweig, 2012)
- Protecting the Gift (Gavin de Becker, 2000)
- The Boy's Body Book: Fifth Edition (Kelli Dunham, 2019)
- The Girl's Body Book: Fifth Edition (Kelli Dunham, 2019)
- Advocacy Center 101 & Facts Interviewing Training video
- The Body Keeps the Score (Bessel van der Kolk M.D., 2015)
- Beginning to Heal (Ellen Bass & Laura Davis, 2003)
Resources and information on child abuse and prevention:
- Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute
- Darkness to Light: End Child Sexual Abuse
- The Mama Bear Effect
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Net Smartz Kids
- Prevent Child Abuse Iowa
Additional information on child protection/advocacy centers:
- Iowa Chapter of Children's Advocacy Centers
- Midwest Regional Children's Advocacy Centers
- National Children's Alliance
ACPC is proud to be a No Hit Zone.
A "No Hit Zone" is an environment in which no adult shall hit another adult, no adult shall hit a child, no child shall hit an adult and no child shall hit another child.
Events & Training
Community Presentations
Allen Child Protection Center (ACPC) staff provide presentations about the ACPC to community organizations, groups, and any other interested party who wish to know more about our services for fundraising or awareness purposes. Presentations include an overview of our services, information about the children and families we serve, and ways the community can become involved in our vision to end child abuse. For more information or to set up training sessions and presentations, please contact the ACPC at (319) 226-2345.
Minimal Facts Interviewing
Minimal facts interviewing training teaches professionals likely to receive a report of child abuse how to appropriately gain information from the child without compromising the investigation. Participants will learn to do's and don'ts associated with interviewing children, how their information is applied to the investigation, information about child protection centers, and risk factors and warning signs for abuse. The training is taught by trained forensic interviewers and is based on knowledge of child development and participation in child abuse investigations. Both partner agencies and caregivers can learn more via this Intro to Iowa Child Advocacy Centers and Minimal Facts Interviewing video.
Our History
The Allen Child Protection Center first opened its doors in May 2010 for forensic interviews. In July 2011, the center started conducting medical evaluations. The center continued to grow and in October 2012, the ACPC received accreditation from the National Children's Alliance. In 2022, the ACPC was re-accredited under new, rigorous standards. The center has mental health therapists trained in evidence-based mental health treatment methods to help patients and families. Also in 2017, the center opened a satellite location in Cerro Gordo County to provide services for families in northern Iowa closer to their homes.
Button Jar
ACPC patients have the opportunity to pick a unique button to put in the button jar. The button jar represents all the patients seen at the ACPC and provides a visual message for patients and their families that they are not alone.