Nerve Block

What is a nerve block? A nerve block injection is designed to provide temporary pain relief and find the source of nerve pain. There are several types of nerve blocks, depending on the nerve targeted.

Nerve blocks serve three general purposes:

  • Anesthetic: Given before surgery by anesthesiologists or surgeons to manage post-procedure pain.
  • Diagnostic: If the source of pain is unknown, a nerve block can help identify it. If pain lessens after the injection, it suggests the targeted nerves are causing the pain.
  • Therapeutic: Temporarily relieves acute or chronic pain by reducing inflammation and allowing nerves to heal.

How a Nerve Block Works

Nerves have sensors called “nociceptors” that detect signs of damage or injury to your body. When they detect a problem, nociceptors send signals to your brain. These signals aren’t pain itself, but the brain translates them into the feeling of pain. The nerve block works by deadening the pain to the targeted area.

Nerve Block Side Effects

There are risks, although rare, that can occur with a nerve block. These symptoms can occur at the injection site:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Soreness

An extremely rare side effect is a nerve injury. If this occurs, it’s most likely temporary and not permanent. If you experience any type of side effect that feels unusual, immediately contact your provider.

What To Expect During a Nerve Block?

Providers perform nerve blocks for pain management in an outpatient setting.

There are hundreds of varieties of nerve blocks, each with slightly different processes. In general, you can expect the following when receiving a nerve block:

  • You're positioned on a table for the provider to perform the procedure.
  • You might receive a mild sedative through an IV to help you relax.
  • The provider will numb the area with local anesthetic and use imaging, like an ultrasound, to guide the injection to the affected nerve.
  • Afterward, you'll rest until the medication takes effect.

How Long Does a Nerve Block Last?

Pain relief from a nerve block varies greatly. It may last a few days, several weeks, months or even years. Some people get relief from a single injection, while others may need multiple nerve block treatments.

Signs a Nerve Block is Wearing Off

Although nerve blocks are typically very effective, they can wear off over time.

The following signs may be an indication your nerve block is wearing off:

  • Difficulty with normal activities
  • Increased pain levels at the affected area
  • Muscle weakness or tremors in the affected area
  • Return of sensation to the affected area
  • Return of motor function to affected area
  • Temperature changes to the affected area

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your provider immediately to ensure early intervention.

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