Fire Safety House
About the Fire Safety House
The Fire Safety House at Blank Children's Hospital is an education program designed to teach children important aspects of fire safety and severe weather education. The Fire Safety House offers hands-on learning to prepare children for the unexpected and frightening experience of a fire. In addition to teaching children about fire safety, the house is used to teach children what to do in severe weather, such as thunderstorms and tornadoes.
Realistic Fire Simulations
The Fire Safety House is a mobile, handicapped-accessible education tool which can easily be towed to any location in Iowa. The bedroom can be filled with a non-toxic smoke. The smoke is a non-toxic, theatrical product that offers realistic conditions and a memorable demonstration. Participants are reminded of the importance of developing a home fire escape plan, including alternate escape routes from each room of their home for their family's safety.
A Life Saving Experience
Built on a trailer frame, the small house contains the three rooms where fires start most frequently: the kitchen, the living room and the bedroom. Demonstrations are conducted by firefighters and experienced volunteers. Some of the life-saving procedures taught include:
- How to crawl under smoke.
- How to feel a door before opening it.
- How to use a fire escape ladder.
- What a smoke detector sounds like.
- How to call 9-1-1.
Severe Weather Education
The Fire Safety House is equipped to create a realistic simulation of severe weather, including thunder and lightning, strong winds and tornadoes. During the simulation speakers make the sounds of a storm, subwoofers shake the house like thunder and strobe lights create lightning. Children learn how to understand severe weather warnings on television, assume the proper crouching position during a tornado and remain calm during a storm.

Request the Fire Safety House
The Fire Safety House season runs from April 1 to October 31. Requests must be made for the current year's registration season. We are unable to accommodate requests for the next year in order to keep dates fair for all. If you would like the Fire Safety House to visit your area for Fire Safety Education or for Severe Weather Training, please review the following information before filling out the request form.
Trailer Availability
To check the availability of the Fire Safety House, please contact the Fire Safety House Program Coordinator at
Terms and Conditions
Please review the terms and conditions documents prior to submitting your request. By submitting an event request, you agree to these terms and conditions.
Please know, while the Fire Safety House is available to use free of charge, a donation is suggested. Donations of any amount help to keep the Fire Safety House program visiting communities in Iowa just like yours!
- $150 donation provides program supplies for a one day event.
- $325 donation provides program supplies and fuel for a one day event.
- $500 donation provides pay for program drivers, trailer maintenance and fully supports the trailer for a one day event.
Fire Safety House Sponsors
Thank you to all of our trailer sponsors!