Medical Outreach

UnityPoint Health - Blank Children's Hospital, Center for Advocacy & Outreach

The Blank Children's Hospital medical outreach team goes beyond the hospital walls to provide pediatric, neonatal and OB education for health care professionals and emergency medical service providers across the state. We are committed to providing medical outreach education in order to ensure that all children in Iowa get the highest level of care when they need it most.

We provide online educational webinars and classes on the Blank Children's Hospital campus, and can also provide classes on your campus. The following outlines our neonatal and pediatric medical education outreach opportunities and programs.

Browse and register for upcoming conferences from our Medical Outreach team. 

Neonatal Medical Outreach


This program provides education for health care professionals on stabilization of the newborn using the mnemonic S.T.A.B.L.E. to promote the recall of necessary information. Pre- and post-testing is available.

Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)

This program trains health care professionals in resuscitation skills specific to the newborn as outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Heart Association. The course is taught by a neonatal nurse from Blank Children's Hospital.

Neonatal Topics

A number of general topics on newborn issues are available including system by system education, assessment and management, common disease processes, stabilization, developmental care, family-centered care and physical and gestational age assessment. Specific topics can be discussed upon request.

Perinatal Continuing Education Program (PCEP)

This is an educational self-study program designed to teach bedside care of obstetrical and neonatal patients for health care professionals. This program includes clinical competencies as well as pre- and post-testing.

Visiting Nurse Experience

Many nurses tell us they do not feel comfortable taking care of newborns because they don't see many in their day-to-day practice. That is why we are pleased to offer the Visiting Nurse Experience.

We would like to invite you to visit the Blank Children's Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department, Inpatient Pediatric Unit, NICU or Iowa Methodist Medical Center's Maternity Unit and spend some time with us. Our goal is for you to experience how we deliver care for children, equip you with new skills to compliment your own and increase your confidence to care for children in your community.

Pediatric Medical Outreach

Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (ENPC)

The Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course is designed to provide nurses with core pediatric knowledge and skills necessary when caring for the ill or injured child. The goal of ENPC is to enhance nurses' ability to rapidly and accurately assess the pediatric patient. Course content is presented using a combination of lectures and psychomotor skill stations.

Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

This course provides training for physicians, nurses and paramedics in pediatric advanced life support. It focuses on recognizing the most common causes of trauma and the special treatment required for pediatric patients. It also enables the provider to develop priorities in the management of shock, respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.

Pediatric Emergency Assessment Recognition & Stabilization (PEARS)

This course is designed to help the basic pediatric health care provider develop the knowledge and skills necessary for emergency assessment and treatment of seriously ill or injured children.

Pediatric Topics

A number of general topics on pediatric issues are available for presentation. Specific topics can be discussed upon request.

Visiting Nurse Experience

Many nurses tell us they do not feel comfortable taking care of kids because they don't see many in their day-to-day practice. That is why we are pleased to offer the Visiting Nurse Experience.

We would like to invite you to visit the Blank Children's Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department, Inpatient Pediatric Unit, NICU or Iowa Methodist Medical Center's Maternity Unit and spend some time with us. Our goal is for you to experience how we deliver care for children, equip you with new skills to compliment your own and increase your confidence to care for children in your community.

Sign Up for Email Notifications

Join this email list, for healthcare professionals, to be notified of upcoming continuing education opportunities hosted by our Medical Outreach team.

Physician Liaison

The Physician Liaison Program is designed to connect physicians, their staff and members of the community with our providers, specialists and services. Our physician liaison serves as a personal contact for physicians, practice managers and community members. Our program offers information and assistance in addition to addressing questions, concerns or issues. Our goal is to create a positive, open and helpful relationship with Blank Children's Hospital, the medical staff and community physicians.

Physician Lectures

Physicians from Blank Children's Hospital are available to lecture on a variety of neonatal and pediatric health and safety topics. Presentations can cover a wide array of topics - from neonatal respiratory distress and pediatric critical care to robot-assisted surgery and sudden infant death syndrome.

Clinic Visits

Our physician liaison is available to visit your clinic to provide information regarding accessing care at Blank Children's Hospital.


Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines

Contact Us

Talia Greve, RN
Medical Outreach Educator, Blank Children's Hospital
(515) 241-3537

Joni Thornton, RN, CPN
Physician Liaison, Blank Children's Hospital