UnityPoint Health - St. Luke's Imaging and Breast Screening Services

712-277-2030 (Main Phone)

Current Hours: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Number of patients waiting reflects the current number of patients waiting to be seen. This number changes frequently and is not exact.

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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Digital Mammograms

When it comes to breast health, early detection is the best prevention. Women should have regular mammograms beginning at age 40, or sooner if recommended by their healthcare provider.

St. Luke's uses state-of-the-art technology, including digital mammography and 3D mammography to screen for and diagnose breast health issues. Digital mammography is the newest technology available for early breast cancer detection and has many benefits, including higher detection rates in some patients, fewer recalls and lower doses of radiation.
What is a 3D mammography (digital breast tomosynthesis) exam?
3D mammography is much like your annual mammogram but far more accurate in earlier breast cancer detection. 3D works by capturing multiple slices (images) of your breast from several angles. Then, a computer produces a 3D image of your breast tissue in one millimeter slices. Our radiologists can review the data, one slice at a time, like turning pages in a book, making it easier for them to see if there is anything to be concerned about.
What are the benefits of 3D mammography?

With conventional digital mammography, the radiologist is viewing all of the overlapped tissues of the breast in one flat 2D image. This can, in some instances, give the illusion of an abnormality even though the breast is normal, and can also mask an actual tumor due to superimposed breast structures.

By looking at the breast tissue in one millimeter slices, the radiologist can provide a more accurate assessment. 3D mammography provides a 25 percent improvement in overall cancer detection rates, finding 40 percent more invasive cancers than conventional mammography. It also means there is less chance of you being called back for a "second look" mammogram because of overlapped normal structures. The "false positive" rates are reduced by up to 40 percent.

What should I expect during the 3D mammography exam?
3D mammography complements the standard 2D exam and is performed at the same time, with the same system. There is no additional compression required and it only takes a few seconds longer for each view.
Is there more radiation?
The FDA has found the combination of 3D and standard mammography to be safe and effective for patient use.
Who can have a 3D mammography exam?
It is approved for all women who would be undergoing a standard mammogram, for both screening and diagnostic exams.
What if I choose not to undergo a 3D mammogram?
A state of the art standard 2D mammogram will be performed.
Will my insurance cover 3D mammography
Because 3D mammography is fairly new, insurance companies do not cover the additional charge for 3D mammography which is typically $40-$60.
When should you get a mammogram
The American Cancer society recommends: Annual mammograms for women starting at age 40.
Mammograms in Men
Although breast cancer is rare in men, it is possible, along with other breast abnormalities and conditions. With years of experience in male mammography, St. Luke's provides preventive breast screenings and mammograms for men to help diagnose cancer, gynecomastia and other men's breast problems.

St. Luke's: Siouxland's Breast Health Leader

St. Luke's Imaging & Breast Screening Services at Sunnybrook Medical Plaza is one of the most comfortable and convenient places to have your annual mammogram. Administered in as little as 15 minutes, your exam will be given by a certified mammography technologist specially trained in breast imaging.

After your mammogram, St. Luke's uses computer-aided detection (CAD) technology to review your mammogram images. CAD technology detects breast abnormalities on the mammogram images and marks them. Recent studies have shown the use of a CAD with screening mammography can result in earlier detection of up to 23% of cancers. All exams are then reviewed by our board-certified radiologists and results are returned in a timely fashion. Effective January 1, 2018 your mammogram result letter will inform you of your breast density category.

Services offered at UnityPoint Health - St. Luke's and Sunnybrook Medical Plaza.

Radiology & Breast Screening

Breast MRI
Most mammograms turn out completely normal. However, if a suspicious lump or abnormality is detected, St. Luke's also uses ultrasound and advanced breast MRI technology to help in diagnosis.
Mammotome Technology

St. Luke's Mammotome is used to perform biopsies using ultrasound guidance, allowing for removal of a breast abnormality without the need for open surgery. Using mammotome, a physician can guide the system into a suspicious area of the breast to gently collect the abnormal tissue for a biopsy, meaning:

  • a less invasive procedure with only a small incision
  • less scarring
  • faster recovery time so you can return to normal activities the same day
  • Learn more about mammotome technology from mammotome.com

To get a better picture of your health, the radiology team at UnityPoint Health - St. Luke's provides inpatient imaging and diagnostic screenings right in the hospital. With one-on-one attention and advanced technology, we provide a full range of exams including:

  • Diagnostic radiology (such as x-ray)
  • CT scans
  • MRI
  • Ultrasounds

St. Luke's radiology department also provides nuclear medicine scans, which study the body's organs and tissues and how they work. These scans can help detect cancer, heart disease, arthritis and infection.

All images are stored to a system-wide Picture Archival Communications System (PACS) for fast and convenient physician access. To learn more about radiology technology and what to expect during imaging procedures, visit Radiology Info.

Outpatient Imaging & Breast Screening

St. Luke's Imaging & Breast Screening Services located at Sunnybrook Medical Plaza offers preventive outpatient procedures and breast screenings, including 3D digital mammograms, to maintain your health at any age:

St. Luke's specialized diagnostic evaluations not only pinpoint your condition with accuracy and speed, but serve as the first step in your road to prevention and wellness. For example, preventative digital mammograms are able to detect breast cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages - even before a lump can be felt.

All images from this center are also stored to PACS. In addition to state-of-the-art instruments and equipment, St. Luke's strives for patient comfort with warm settings, comfortable furnishings and a contemporary environment.

Tips for Your Exam

Although radiology exams and breast screenings can differ from procedure to procedure, most share the same basic guidelines. Here are a few tips for your next screening at St. Luke's:

  • Due to the nature of the imaging process, no one is able to join patients in the room (with the exception of pregnancy ultrasounds where family members are allowed in the room.) For all other procedures, if you are bringing a spouse, friend or children, we ask that they wait in the waiting room. *All children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • You should inform your physician of any medications you're currently taking and if you have any allergies, especially to contrast materials like barium or iodine.
  • Women should inform their physician and x-ray technologist if there is a possibility they may be pregnant. Many tests are not performed during pregnancy as they may harm the fetus. If an x-ray is necessary, special precautions will be taken to protect the baby.
  • For some imaging procedures, you may be asked not to eat or drink for several hours beforehand, especially if contrast material will be used in your exam.
  • Following your exam, the hospital will receive written results within two to three business days.

Imaging & Breast Screening | Sunnybrook Medical Plaza

UnityPoint Health – St. Luke's Imaging & Breast Screening Services located at Sunnybrook Medical Plaza offers outpatient radiology screening and diagnostic imaging exams to our community, with one-to-one attention and advanced technology.