Job Shadowing at Trinity Regional Medical Center

Program Overview
Thank you for your interest in a job shadow experience with UnityPoint Health - Fort Dodge. We’re committed to providing educational opportunities for individuals interested in healthcare careers, whether clinical or non-clinical in nature. Our Job Shadow Program is for students in high school or college, but we will consider requests from individuals considering a career change. Participants will be paired with a health care professional and must remain with them throughout the job shadow experience. This person will be able to answer questions about a typical day, education and skill requirements, and generally what the position involves.
Job shadows are not clinical rotations and will not meet the requirements for programs that require clinical contact hours or internship hours, nor will it fulfill the requirement for volunteer or community service hours. Our job shadows are unpaid, observational hours only and will not provide hands-on patient care.
Program Offerings
We understand the value of job shadowing as part of the career exploration process and the importance of helping students gain useful information as to the types of skills and education required for careers within the medical industry.
In the job shadow applications, applicants will have the opportunity to share what area(s) they want to shadow, expectations of the experience, and how the experience will fit into future career plans. Job shadow hours will normally be scheduled between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday and will last no more than 8 hours.
Some departments are generally unable to accommodate job shadow requests. These include Behavioral Health and Birth Center. Requests are subject to department manager approval and may be limited due to staff availability and patient consent.
Application Process
Those interested job shadowing must:
- Complete the application. The application requires a parent/guardian to electronically sign and provide consent if you are under age 18. The application also requires your signature on a confidentiality statement of understanding.
- Provide an acceptable copy of your immunizations. We require proof of immunizations, including your annual influenza (flu) vaccine and a copy of your COVID-19 vaccine. You must have a full dose of your initial COVID-19 vaccine (boosters are not required). An acceptable copy of your vaccinations includes electronic health record documents showing the vaccine documentation and date administered, or a vaccination card with dose and dates administered.
- Review the orientation packet and sign acknowledgement of completion.
- Review Job Shadow Policy
- Return completed forms by mail, fax or email to:
Trinity Regional Medical Center
(Attn: Office of Medical Education)
802 Kenyon Road Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Fax number: 515-574-6933
All documents must be completed and received prior to being approved for a job shadow experience. We attempt to accommodate requests; however, some requests may be denied.

Lab coats and scrubs are normally worn by trained health-care professionals and should not be worn by those participating in a job shadow.